Monday, 13 April 2020

Zemfira | Crimea

If you will live with me,
I will try to quit drinking.
I will definetly quit smocking,
Because smock and my caugh makes you mad,
Because I'm coughing like a sick man,
And we would have to go to Crimea.

If you will live with me,
You will get tired of loving me,
Kissing me and talking
Till the start of the long winter.
The one that im waiting for, unlike you,
And love on a loan is very hard.

If you will live with me,
I will not drink at all.
You will not be able to stand me:
My nerves, depression, swearings,
Infinite anger and pain,
And your life will become hell.

You will not live with me
Even in the happiest dream,
Even if we accidently whould have been alone
At the very bottom,
And stopped counting days.

Because you have everything.
You are a good friend,
Because my number is 36.
And there are lots of people around,
So many people around
So many girl friends around.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Easter in Armenia

Hello, I'm Veronika from Armenia currently volunteering in the Sun City of Lithuania in Šiauliai and I want to introduce how armenians celebrate Easter.

Armenians start preparing for Easter (arm.Surb Zatik) long before the celebration day. Special attention should be given to the Easter table where every dish has its own symbol.

I cants say Armenins eat rice very often but for Easter day it’s a must so we cook rice with raisins where rice is the symbol of HUMANITY and raisins represent all CHRISTIANS....table also includes red wine which represents blood of Christ.

So I did my best to show you Armenain Easter Table unfortunately we cant celebrate together
More information about Armenian Easter you can read clickin on the link

Thank you for attention and HAPPY EASTER

Friday, 10 April 2020

How to turn your room into camera

Hi everybody. I‘m super excited to share with you what I made. All you need is physics knoweledge about light, photography history, black tape, black sheets, trash bags and curiosity.


We will make a Camera Obscura (The Latin name means “dark chamber"), which is ancestor of the photographic camera

 First, let‘s see how it works. Light travels in a straight line and when some of the rays reflected from a bright subject pass through a small hole in thin material they do not scatter but cross and reform as an upside down image on a flat surface held parallel to the hole. This law of optics was known in ancient times. The result is an inverted image of the outside scene on the opposite wall. As you can see from photoes I completely covered my window and left one small hole in it. So on the opossite wall of my room you can see the view which I usually enjoy from the window. 


For centuries the technique was used for viewing eclipses of the Sun without endangering the eyes and, by the 16th century, as an aid to drawing; the subject was posed outside and the image reflected on a piece of drawing paper for the artist to trace.


Pointillism and Sabish 🎨👩‍🎨🖼️

Let's talk about art therapy.
Do you love making art? Using a brush,a crayon, chalk  or a simple pencil. It’s so much fun to let your imagination turn a piece of  beautiful, priceless treasure.

This post will be all about the interesting style known as pointillism and im gonna share with you my paintings. How i started doing it was really unplanned. It was 2013 year ,i was studying at university. On one of the lectures i started to put points with 0.1 mm pencil on white small paper. When i finished it result was mesmerising. Actually i didnt know that there was painting technique like that,after years one of my artist friend told me that the thing that im doing calls like " Pointillism ".

Pointillism is not an easy technique to master. Today, there are very few artists who paint this way. Instead, most modern artists blend their colors on a palette to make the range of colors they want. The style first came to head in the 1880s with artists such as Georges Seurat and Paul Signac. The term "pointillism" was actually coined by critics and was used to mock the style of painting. The style of painting was originally referred to as "divisionism".

Pointillism takes advantage of the way our eyes work with our brains. Instead of seeing thousands of dots of color, we blend those dots into multiple colors that form an image.
Use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, coloring, or sculpting to help people express themselves artistically and examine the psychological and emotional undertones in their art. With the guidance of a credentialed art therapist, clients can "decode" the nonverbal messages, symbols, and metaphors often found in these art forms, which should lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behavior so they can move on to resolve deeper issues.
It is a combination of visual communication and psychotherapy.It is used during individual, group, and family sessions to increase communication. Clients learn about each other’s feelings and emotions through artistic creation.
Tupac Amaru Shakur🖤popularly known by his stage name 2Pac,an American rapper and actor.

Drawing and painting is the always right way to reflect your emotions and put them in pictures.

Anyone can use it, you don’t need to be talented or an artist, and there are professionals that can work with you and delve into the underlying messages communicated through art.In the end i want to share with you some of my favorite quote about painting and drawing. Keep your creativity alive and express emotions in your drawing that takes the ability to let that feeling or energy flow through the pencil or brush onto the surface.

  1. “I dream my painting and I paint my dream.”
    Vincent Willem van Gogh
  2. “Painting is the silence of thought and the music of sight.”
     Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red
  3. “All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.”
    ― Bob Ross
  4. “What keeps my heart awake is colorful silence.”
    ― Claude Monet

© all photos taken and drawn by Sabina Alishova 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Dave's 10 Tips-what you can do at home during qurantine

  •  Call your friends that you haven't spoken for a long period. We all have those good friends that sometimes get forgotten. Use this time and give them a call! They will enjoy that you thought of them 
  •  Clean up your E-Mail Everyone does have an E-Mail address and we all also have some problems with our Spam or advertisement box, take your time and unsubscribe all those emails that you never read.
  •  Update your CV. During this time, People are losing their jobs and some are thinking of changing their jobs. No, you have some time to update your CV to the date of now!
  •  Search of Volunteer Opportunities You can search where you can help local health services, animal shelters and so on. Still, those people need all the help they can get! 
  •  Spring-Clean-Up In Austria we have the so-called: „Frühjahres Putz“ translated it means the Spring-Clean up. To have a nice start in the summer! So start to clean up your whole house! From each shelf to each cup. 
  •  Try new recipes You have enough Time now to try new recipes! So go and google for some new crazy recipes! 
  •  Start or refresh a language Now it's your chance to refresh or start a new language. Maybe you wanted to learn French, Spanish or german. Try it now! 
  •  Refresh your home The best time to do some DIY or give your room a new colour is now! So try to do that long wished refreshment of your home!
  •  Learn about other History, new modern Technologies Did you know that the ship’s propeller was found in Austria? They don't even have ocean access! The dutch build the worlds biggest water systems the delta works. There are so many interesting things to learn! Give it a try. 
  •  Have some fun with Households products You can do some cool science experiments with easy household products!

Monday, 6 April 2020

Quarantine and chill or how to make a tent at home

💕  We use our creativity everyday to be more productive day by day))So we decided make our “netflix and chill”point 😻 and here is the result) So we took the things that we dont use at all at home🏘🍀they were:
-drying rack

and our magical lights “ON”. we go.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Poetry and Quarantine

Hello our amazing and lovely readers and listeners. We were thinking a lot what will be interesting for you and decided every day to post one poem from our favourite authors. And the first will be of course Silvia Plath with her "Morning Song". I promise we will speak about Plath later more thoroughly. Im also sharing the link where Meryl Streep reads it.

                                                                         Authors link


Love set you going like a fat gold watch.
The midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cry
Took its place among the elements.

Our voices echo, magnifying your arrival. New statue.
In a drafty museum, your nakedness
Shadows our safety. We stand round blankly as walls.

I’m no more your mother
Than the cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow
Effacement at the wind’s hand.

All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:
A far sea moves in my ear.

One cry, and I stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral
In my Victorian nightgown.
Your mouth opens clean as a cat’s. The window square

Whitens and swallows its dull stars. And now you try
Your handful of notes;
The clear vowels rise like balloons.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Film is not dead

It has been a while, since I wanted to write about analog photography-its beauty, advandages, disadvantages and my story.  I always liked photography, in general. I used to think about it, analyze it from the philosophical perspective. I think that photography is about making the moment important and creating a memory, a story. But what if we are actually losing that moment, stealing from ourselves, not really experiencing it. I had all that thoughts before my friend introduced me to an analoge photography and gave me his camera, encouraging me to try. First I felt kinda stupid for asking him a lot of questions about exposure-shutteraperature, ISO, but when I started it became easier. 

  Ilford FP 4 plus 125

I dont know why, but while being in the process of shooting my first film, first time in my lfie I didnt have feeling of loosing. It might sound weird, but in this case I felt that they exist in more phisical way. (I could have touch them). What I mostly liked about it was the process, the slowness, calmness, thinking, cycle, start and end, memory. While shooting film you are thinking more, you appreciate every frame. Film is teaching you to wait, which is hard during our days, when media and everything is making us to think that if we not hurry, we will lose something very important.

     Fomapan 400

 Well, of course there is always a chance that you will lose your photos or they will not be as you imagined and you will know about it later. But thats life. For me its not disadvantage, but another interesting and unique fact about film. Of course, if you are a documental photographer and you went to shoot some riots, digital is the best choice. The thing that I want to say is let‘s not let film photography die, let‘s give a chance to it. I‘m sure you will not regret.

Ilford delta 100

Ilford Delta 100

Kodak Ektar 100


Kodak Ultramax 400

Ilford HP5 400

© all photos taken by Maria Zaqaryan

Friday, 3 April 2020

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Mental health topic: anxiety/stress during quarantine

Heyy everyone! I'm Elif, from Turkey. I'm a volunteer in Telsiai. Here I'm talking about feelings during quarantine. Hope you will like it


I've been reading about this topic for whole two weeks. Most of you know that I'm a psychological counselor. Also, I personally struggle with anxiety sometimes. So, I'm interested in this topic in a professional and personal way. Being in quarantine makes me feel so awkward. I kinda started to 'like' it after 17 days. But still it is awkward. I've lost my daily sleeping and eating routine. I feel like everyday is the same and unfortunately everyday feel like a sunday! God, I wish I could have a friday, at least. I'm not writing this for telling you about my personal stuff :d this is for you. I hope you are reading it. This is a big life change for all of us. Even if some of us enjoy spending time with ourselves at home, it still is a big change. 'choosing to stay at home' and 'not being able to go out' are different things. When we 'have to' do something, it's not fun anymore. Now our 'normal' life has stopped. This version is the new normal. Everyone is trying to suit up on it and being away from your school, your friends, your everyday life can be overwhelming. Losing the 'normal' social routine can make us feel disappointed. This might cause some mental issues (like anxiety, depression, constant laziness etc.) I want to make sure that you know this, anxiety is totally normal and helpful. When it gets too much, it effects us in a bad way, but especially in this situation, feeling anxious is totally normal. All world is struggling with the same issue nowadays. Some of us feels stressful, alerted, paniced, some of us are more chill and relaxed. We're different people, each of us are unique and valuable. Processing feelings looks different for everyone. Some of you are trying to create art, learn new skills, have new hobbies, make your time productive. and some of you will spend the whole day in bed. Yes! being productive is a good thing, but remember that, you don't have to be productive, you choose to be. The important thing is that you do what feels right to you. Let yourself to feel it. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, remember, your families and friends, they will be there for you and as the volunteer of the youth center, I am here for you. you don't have to deal with anything alone, because you're not alone. Remember, your feelings are valid, you're valid. annnnnndddddd love ya! 😽😽

Inner peace and harmony with Sabish 🕉️

Spritual flow is the key to healing. Only thing you need is just 5-8 minutes from your daily routine. Find the coziest place in your room,let the sun shine on you,breath in breath out relax,free your mind,live in the moment enjoy the NOW. During this quarantine everyone tries value  their time.

Doing yoga will :

  • lower stress and improve your mood
  • lower the risk of injury
  • boost confidence 
  • increase flexibility
  • help you lose weight
  • benefit breathing and lower blood pressure
  • improves your posture
  • relieve stress and help you to relax
  • help you sleep better
  • improve immune and lung fucntion
  • help you achieve peace of mind
  • help you build inner strength
  • provide real pain relief 
These benefits are endless,without tip angle. ( you better try 😉 )

Now i will share little information about yoga posses. 
Moreover, this is not true only humans can do yoga but applies to animals too. Animals are strong, agile, flexible and have a great level of awareness. Hence, there are numerous yoga poses named after animals.
Camel Pose – Ustrasana
Often considered one of the more difficult backbends, the Camel Pose is a great stretch for the whole body, with a particular focus on the throat, chest, abdomen, hips, and thighs. It can lead to lightheadedness, so beginners should be careful not to bend their necks too far backward.

 Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose is a common beginner’s pose, and it’s clear why this pose is named after a snake. “Bhujanga” means “serpent” in Sanskrit, as the pose mimics a serpent rising to strike. This pose benefits the chest, shoulders, spine, and buttocks.

Cat Pose - Marjaryasana
Marjariasana, or the cat stretch, incorporates the excellent feline stretch in the yoga workout. A favorite of our feline friends, this easy pose benefits the neck, spine, and torso. It is usually performed in a flowing vinyasa with the Cow pose . In Sanskrit, Marjari means Cat and asana means Posture or Pose, hence the name.
Dolphin Pose - Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
Is a pose which I think is often overlooked, but it packs so many great benefits that I think it’s more than worth taking a closer look at. Dolphin Pose, or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, strengthens, and stretches the shoulders, upper back and legs.  It’s also a pretty awesome core strengthener. The combination of strength and flexibility that Dolphin pose builds can help with so many areas of your practice. Particularly when working towards Pincha Mayurasana or Forearm Stand, and other inversions.
Upward Bow (Wheel) Urdhva Dhanurasana

Is an asana in yoga as exercise. It is a backbend and is the first pose of the finishing sequence in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. It gives great flexibility to the spine. In acrobatics and gymnastics this body position is called a bridge.
Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana
To increase the stretch in the backs of your legs, lean slightly forward and lift up onto the balls of your feet, pulling your heels a half-inch or so away from the floor. Draw your inner groins deep into the pelvis, and then, from the height of the groins, lengthen your heels back onto the floor.
Wide-Legged Forward Bend pose "D" - Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita Padottanasana D (Intense Leg Stretch Pose D) is a deeper, more intense stretch of the legs than the base pose Prasarita Padottanasana (Intense Leg Stretch Pose). Since it is also considered a half inverted yoga pose (inversion), it can be part of a yoga sequence for inversions as a preparatory pose. On the other hand it also forms part of a yoga sequence where the focus is to open the muscles in the legs and shoulders, to improve the spine strength and flexibility, or to improve balance and stability.
Back Bend -Ardhachakrasana
Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body. Balance your weight equally on both feet. Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other. Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward, keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up, and lifting your chest towards the ceiling. Hold. Breathing in, come back up. Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax.
Child's Resting Pose - Bālāsana
Is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. Balasana is a counter asana for various asanas and is usually practiced before and after Sirsasana

  • Standing Forward Bend with Shoulder OpenerUttānāsana
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression. Stimulates the liver and kidneys. Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips. Strengthens the thighs and knees. Improves digestion. Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause. Reduces fatigue and anxiety. Relieves headache and insomnia. Relieves headache and insomnia. Opens the shoulders.
Warrior I Pose - Virabhadrasana I

Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, groins (psoas). Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of the back. Strengthens and stretches the thighs, calves, and ankles.

So thats it, are you ready to experience the benefits for yourself? 😌🙏Take good care of yourselves.
Peace ✌ and Love 💜

 © all photos taken by Maria Zakaryan